in this year's World Cup, the forum 'Scrapissimot "organized during the famous World Cup which takes some of our Zhoms glued to their screens screaming like madmen (phew z'ont no "vouvouzela"), a little game scrapbooking team ( )
team of 4 scrapeuses crazy, they we must make pages and answer riddles (thank you Auntie and Tigger)! So here
here over the days (well as soon as I can put it) these famous pages!
whenever we had two to three days to do them.
Oufti! scrapbooking ever so much in so little time, me!
then it starts with the first:
opening ceremony
each team by lot is assigned a color combo
our: green, pink, orange and red
here is my creation: a page on my eldest daughter, the day of his birth and twenty years later.
The same child and the same doll,
thank you for watching and leave small comments, positive or negative, it can evolve
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